For several years, ISIS has invaded peaceful communities in the Middle East and painted the Nazarene symbol on the door of people they seek to convert, extort, or murder. While ISIS uses the Nazarene sign to symbolize death, we use the sign to symbolize life. Mercury One is a US based humanitarian aid and education non-profit organization that established and administers The Nazarene Fund. The Nazarene Fund aids in the restoration of Christians and other persecuted religious minorities and their communities who have been targeted by ISIS for their faith.



Our initial goal with The Nazarene Fund was to rescue 400 persecuted Christian and religious minority families in the Middle East by the end of 2016. We have surpassed that goal through evacuating a total of 8,202 people, providing housing for 5,462 people, and giving humanitarian aid to over 35,000. We confidently and proudly report that 95 rescues have been made to date. In 2017 The Nazarene Fund has focused on the task at hand, placing all efforts on the mission – to rescue, rebuild and restore people’s lives. Although much has been done, the work has just begun.



Fortunately, the tactical situation is changing. Coalition forces have liberated most of Nineveh, Mosul will soon be under allied control, an attack on Raqqa is imminent and Mercury One is shifting its focus from rescuing to rebuilding and restoring the lives and communities of these persecuted people.

We are so happy to shift this focus from providing immediate basic care for individuals to rebuilding and restoring communities by funding projects that will have a future impact on health and education for years to come.


As our mission continues to evolve both internationally and at home please continue to support all of Mercury One’s efforts by donating.

Your dollars make a great impact for these kids. 400 families was just the BEGINNING. We thank you for making a difference in the world.